for Economic Developers
Marketing + CRM for Economic Developers
Easy. Complete. Affordable.
Trusted by over 100 Economic Development Teams

for Economic Developers
Marketing + CRM for Economic Developers
Easy. Complete. Affordable.
You don't need another disconnected software tool.
HubSpot for Economic Development
Connects It All
Website - Marketing - CRM - Projects - BRE - Assists -
Reporting - Incentives - Incentive Compliance - Incentive Approval - Sites & Buildings
Software Starts at $150/month for a team of 4+

"I wish I'd have found Convergence A YEAR AGO... we'd have saved 50-80+ hours of trial and error" (This group implemented HubSpot on their own)
"Uncle! The last economic development CRM system was a failure"
"Deliver us from the complexity of Salesforce.. please"
"HubSpot is great but HubSpot for Economic Development is Perfect".
"Out last economic development CRM went out of business!"
"Our old CRM - underutilized, looked like it was built on Windows '98 - now generate leads, our website works with HubSpot, and our CRM is up to date with accurate info generating reports in real-time"

Where Do I Start?
Step 1. Don't get "sold" on a system. Take the time (3 minutes) to define your requirements.
Fill out this online HubSpot form by clicking the orange box below... This is exactly the kind of form our clients use today.
Step 2 Book your Online Demonstration.
The info you shared in the HubSpot form allows us to show you HubSpot in the most meaningful way that supports your business model.
Step 3 You'll get a FREE system (CRM, Marketing, Ops, Service, and CMS).
Yep. No strings. No catch. Even if you don't work with us. But 99% of people that see the system want a quote for the paid version of HubSpot for Economic Developers.
* Our disaster recovery version is free for any EDO. Just ask for this.
** 501c3 discounts available.
Step 4 Choose the software package that works for you. Buy HubSpot.
- Give us your your data to import. You're almost ready to shut down your old system at this point because the rest happens FAST.
- We configure HubSpot to work specifically for you.
- Access our online training course. Watch. Learn. Do.
- Attend team training sessions and start winning.
Next Steps...take something with you.
- Questions - email us. Or just our HubSpot chat tool. Or call us (423)309-7483
- Read this Online - How to Choose an Economic Development CRM
- Watch our Videos to see how the system can work for you.
Trusted by Over 100 Economic Development Organizations